During Mr. Cox’s tenure at St Rose’s High School, he was always seen by all his teachers as someone who has tremendous ability with a passion for law. In the year 2013 Mr. Cox wrote 10 subjects at the CSEC level obtaining 10 passes. Having been successful at his secondary education Mr. Cox at the age of 17 years old enrolled at the University of Guyana to pursue a Dilopma in Social Work.
While doing the said diploma Mr. Cox signed up at the advanced proficiency level while being a student at the University of Guyana the young Cox wrote Law Units one and two and Sociology Units one and two. He again attained passes in all 4 units written. Soon after Mr. Cox also graduated with his Diploma in Social Work in the year 2015.
Mr. Cox then applied to the National Insurance Scheme where he secured a job as a Clerical Officer. After working there for approximately one year Mr. Cox still not feeling as though he was doing what he loved Mr. Cox was then persuaded by his father to resume studies this time in the field of law. Mr. Cox was accepted in the LLB program in the year 2016 where he resigned from the National Insurance Scheme and started to read for his Bachelor of Laws Degree.
Mr. Cox Graduated in 2019 with his Bachelor of law degree with credit. He gained a spot in the top 25 in his class despite his challenges and was granted automatic entry to the Hugh wooding law School.
Mr. Cox attended the Hugh wooding law school from 2019 to 2021 where he successfully completed reading for his Legal Education Certificate. Mr. Cox was in November 2021 admitted to the local bar as Attorney-at-law.
Mr. Cox currently practices in the areas of Criminal Law, Civil Litigation, Commercial Law, Family Law at Dexter Todd and Associates Law Firm.